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カナダの英雄:Terry Fox Marathon of Hope




今週日曜日にトロントTerry Fox Run 2018というチャリティーマラソンが開催されます。



彼(Terry Fox)は骨肉腫という骨の癌に侵され、右足を膝の上から切断しなければなりませんでした。義足になりましたが、癌の調査のためのお金を募るためカナダを西から東にマラソンで横断する決心をします。











He was operated at 17 years old for osterogenic sarcoma.

His leg was amputated above the knee.

While he was recovering in the hospital, he thought: "I have to do something. The hurting must stop".

He was fitted with a prosthesis and started to train so he could run across Canada to raise money for cancer research.

At 21, on one good leg and an artificial one, he started to run a marathon a day. [42.1km]

He wanted to run from Newfoundland in the east to British Columbia in the west. He called his run The Marathon of Hope.

He ran for 5,014km before the cancer came back. He had to stop in Thunder Bay Ontario and was taken back to BC for treatment.

Before entering the hospital, he said: "If there is any way I can, I will come back and finish this".

He died just one month before his 23rd birthday.

He was awarded the Order of Canada, the highest honour given in this country. He was the youngerst Canadian to ever get it.

Since his death, Terry Fox runs are held in 50 countries around the world. 600 million dollars has been raised for cancer research.

In Terry's time, only 15 percent of patients survived osteogenic sarcoma, now the sarvival rate is 75 percent. Many oncologists say that the money raised by the Terry Fox Foundation is responsible for this.

In Toronto, the Terry Fox Run is held every September. Many people participate it



osterogenic sarcoma 名詞:骨肉腫

amputate 動詞:(手術で)切断する

prosthesis 名詞:人口補綴(義肢、義足、義手など)

artificial 形容詞:人工的な

oncologist 名詞:腫瘍学者




30年ほど前までは、5年生存率30~40%だったが、今は60~70%、補助療法の併用で最大90%以上(転移のない場合は最大で78%の完全寛解 complete response ・CR)に改善している。








Terry's Story のQuotesからは彼の力強い言葉を読むことができます。